Everything is ready for the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica 2024, 27-28-29 September between the Fair and the historic center of the City! Live program, presentations, conferences, exhibitors, links for entrance tickets, etc. have been published. Promotion continues, with interviews, press releases, interventions on the web and social media

Everything is ready for the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica 2024, 27-28-29 September between the Fair and the historic center of the City! Live program, presentations, conferences, exhibitors, links for entrance tickets, etc. have been published. Promotion continues, with interviews, press releases, interventions on the web and social media

Many national and international guests are expected, these are the links for the program of events on the live stages and the various meetings, presentations, in-depth conferences, historical exhibitions:
AGV2024 program
conference-workshop-event program
list of AGV exhibitors
This is the link for entrance tickets to the Fair
The evening concerts on Friday 27th at the Auditorium of the Violin Museum and on Saturday 28th at the Federico II Courtyard in front of the Cathedral of Cremona have free admission
Still very few places left to participate in the lutherie masterclass held by masters Michael Bashkin (USA) and Jason Kostal (USA)
For more information, detailed programs and registration forms, visit our website:
lutherie masterclass program
registrations: info@armadilloclub.org
Sunday 29 September at the AGV didactic masterclass for mandolin held by Maestro Carlo Aonzo.
For more information and program, consult our website: mandolin masterclass program
To register, write to giulia.alliri@gmail.com
info@accademiamandolino.com – Accademia Internazionale di Mandolino

Registration for available luthier stands and stations is closing, hurry!

For info write to: esvcremona@gmail.com

Interviews and interventions on social media follow one another and intensify for the communication of the event, which is reaching and involving sector workers, musicians, buyers, shopkeepers, but also a varied and increasingly wider audience
Everything is present on the Instagram pages acousticguitarvillagecremona
on the facebook page acousticguitarvillagecremona

We are pleased to award the Cremona Musica Award 2024, Special Musical Projects section, to the “Baracca & Burattini” record label, producer of the two CDs “Parole Liberate”, volume 1 and volume 2.
“Parole Liberate” is a musical, cultural and social project presented by the Association “Parole liberate, beyond the prison wall APS” which offers prisoners to write a text that becomes a song thanks to the contribution of important musicians and arrangers. The initiative saw the participation of many prisoners and various names from the Italian and international music scene, bringing significant recognition from the Ministry of Culture, the Chamber of Deputies, the Lombardy Region and various Italian municipal administrations.
The two record productions have won important national awards and for two consecutive years were finalists in the Targhe Tenco.
The “Baracca & Burattini” label, directed by Paolo Bedini, has recorded many artists from the Italian avant-garde music scene, contributing significantly to successful artistic careers and producing tours and live events, with important recognition also in the international field .
The Award will be awarded on Sunday 29th at the AGV Events Area, followed by a concert by various artists involved in the project on the external Live Stage

In September 2023 at the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona it seemed right to pay homage to the memory of David Crosby, for his greatness as a musician, composer and singer-guitarist. It was an unforgettable day, with many musician friends who sang and played his wonderful songs with sincere affection and gratitude, to the point of moving many.
We thank Jeff Pevar, David’s sideman and the first to be moved…. and friends Alberto Grollo and Francesco Lucarelli with whom, after that beautiful day, we decided to follow up the memory with this CD of interpretations of David’s music recorded by some of the best Italian singer-guitarists, with some welcome incursions from international artists . Thanks also to the precious collaboration of Andrea Del Favero.
The presentation of the CD, now completed, will take place on Sunday 29th in the Events Area of ​​the Acoustic Guitar Village, don’t miss it!

Important conferences on the musician’s universe are scheduled: Market, Rights and Digital Platforms – Copyright: the complicated management of LEA-Soundreef and SIAE permits – Gender gap in the Italian music industry and national strategy for gender equality, in collaboration with the MEI, Exhibiting Cooperative Society, Stage Coordination. Program on conferences-workshops-events

Performances by soloists and youth bands on Sunday 29th from 2pm to 8pm at the Piazzetta Mario Coppetti, the historic center of Cremona – free entry, coordination by Massimo Ottini

Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival is the most important annual trade fair in the world for the high quality musical instrument sector.
Appointment for operators and visitors on 27-28-29 September at the Cremona Fair and in the Historic Centre, we are waiting for you!

Staff at Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Musica
Cultural Association Armadillo APS – Sarzana (SP)
tel. +39 0187 626993

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