inside Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival – CREMONA FAIR
28th-29th-30th September 2018
opening hours:
Friday 28th, 10am – 7pm
Saturday 29th, 10am – 7pm
Sunday 30th, 10am – 6pm
In the exhibition complex of Cremona, inside Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, from September 28th to September 30th 2018, the ACOUSTIC GUITAR VILLAGE will offer a packed schedule of concerts and events, as well as the extensive exhibition of acoustic, classical and modern guitars and accessories.
Cremona Musica International Exhibitons is the world’s most important event regarding high-level handicraft musical instruments, and it’s the most effective marketplace in the world for contemporary lutherie: a place where artistic and musical culture find an ideal stage to express themselves.
The guitar will have then its dedicated exhibit area, one of great importance and visibility considering its location, at the entrance of the Mondomusica pavilion; a village with the presence of national and international luthiers, small and big companies and distributors of the most prestigious brands, accessories and publishing. Guitar associations, luthiers associations and unions, and formative institutes and schools will also participate in the event.
Our Association, under the coordination of Alessio Ambrosi, will be curating the artistic and organizational direction, guaranteeing as always the utmost professionalism and competence.
True to the successful format of the years in Sarzana, the event will present several concerts and events, right now in the planning process, on the various stages and dedicated areas. The program will include:
– Masterclass of lutherie and didactic masterclass of acoustic guitar
– Contest “NEW SOUNDS OF ACOUSTIC MUSIC” for acoustic guitarists, guitar-songwriters and emerging acoustic ensemble/bands
– STRINGS & VOICES D’AUTORE, in the memory of Stefano Rosso
– Concerts with international artists
– Historical Exhibitions
– Conferences, workshops, meetings
– Demos and showcases
Thanks to the many partners and sponsors that make all of this possible and safe travel to all of those who will be coming in Cremona on 2018 September 28th-29th-30th!
Sound & accessories by Acus-sound – Shure by Prase – Bespeco
Partners: Città di Sarzana, Città di Cremona, “Cremona Mondomusica” – Dismamusica – – Accademia di Chitarra “LIZARD”
Magazines: “DismamusicaMagazine”, “Chitarra Acustica”, “Guitar Club”, “Chitarre”, “Strumenti Musicali”, “Suonare News”, “Seicorde”, “Buscadero”, “Il Blues”, “Pagine Musica”, “Big Box”, “Il Manifesto”
Media partners:
Friday 28th – Saturday 29th – Sunday 30th in the Masterclass rooms:
Masterclass of Lutherie and Didactic Masterclass of Acoustic Guitar
The lutherie the classes will be held by american masters BRYAN GALLOUP and CHARLES FOX. The masterclass will focus on the construction of the instrument, from the selection of the materials to the final polish, on structural restoration and vintage guitars, on lutherie tooling for the small shop .
The didactic masterclass of acustic guitar will be taught by MICKI PIPERNO, english CLIVE CARROLL and american JOHN JORGENSON. The masterclass will deal with basic techniques for fingerstyle guitar, arrangements for solo guitar and elements of gypsy jazz.
Friday 28th – Saturday 29th – Sunday 30th, from 10am to 7pm (on Sun to 6pm) area ACOUSTIC GUITAR VILLAGE :
– Exhibition of lutherie, import, publishing and accessories for acoustic guitar, classical and modern, with the presence of international luthiers and companies (now open the reservations for the booths)
– “The guitar with f-shaped sound holes, an exhibition on the Arch-Top Guitar” curated by M° Luthier Leonardo Petrucci
– “The Guitar in Italy between ‘800 and ‘900” exhibition of instruments made by luthiers Gennaro Fabricatore, Giovan Battista Fabricatore, Carlo Guadagnini, Gaetano Guadagnini, Francesco Guadagnini, Giuseppe Marconcini, Pasquale Vinaccia, Giacomo Rivolta, Giorgio Gatti, Lorenzo Bellafontana, Giuseppe Lecchi, Pietro Gallinotti, Luigi Mozzani, Nicola De Bonis, Vincenzo De Bonis, Orlando Raponi, Leone Sanavia, Rodolfo Paralupia
curated by M° Francesco Taranto
– “The historical Spanish guitar influence in the contemporary lutherie, the Hauser tradition”
curated by Marco Ramelli, Gabriele Lodi, Hermann Hauser Guitar Foundation, Festival Corde d’Autunno, Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Musica
Thanks to the Hauser Guitar Foundation and in collaboration with Ing. Massimo Raccosta during the three days of the exhibition it will be possible to admire some of the most representative instruments by Hauser, a family of guitar makers who for more than a century has dedicated themself to developing instruments with incredible build quality and sound, in a rare balance between tradition and innovation. The last day of the fair will be devoted to the exploration of the sound and constructive world of Hauser and its evolution over time with a conference that will see the participation of Hermann and Kathrin Hauser with performances by the guitarist Aliosha De Santis who in recent years has developed a profound knowledge of these tools.
Important events will also be dedicated, on the 50th anniversary of his death, to the composer Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, who as Hermann Hauser was linked to the figure of Andrés Segovia.
On Friday Andrea Dieci will hold a masterclass focused on the music of the Florentine composer with students from various Italian and foreign conservatories. In the afternoon, the Milanese guitarist will present his recent recording project dedicated to Toru Takemitsu recorded with an instrument by Hermann Hauser I.
The highlight of the event will be the concert ‘Omaggio a Castelnuovo-Tedesco’ by the Japanese virtuoso Kazuhito Yamashita at the auditorium “Le Stanze per la Musica” Civic Museum “Ala Ponzone”, a true star of the classical guitar, who will present two of the masterpieces in concert from Castelnuovo-Tedesco the quintet op.143 and a selection of Caprichos de Goya op.195.
Before the concert it will be possible to see and listen to some instruments from the Carlo Alberto Carutti collection at the Museo Civico, curated by Accademia di chitarra “A piú corde”
By Massimo Raccosta Collection and H.Hauser Guitar Foundation.
The exhibition of original historical guitars displays instruments made by Hermann Hauser I in two different periods: the guitars of the first period, before the Spanish influence, and the guitars of the later period, after the meeting with Miguel Llobet and Andres Segovia.
The guitars of the first period were strongly inspired by the most famous XIX century model of important makers like Stauffer and Guadagnini, whereas the guitars of the latter period were influenced by the deep observation of Llobet’s Torres (FE09 Sevilla1859), the possibility to own and to study for many years another Torres guitar bought from Llobet as well ( FE13 Sevilla 1890), the and Segovia’s Manuel Ramirez/Santos Hernandez guitar ( Madrid 1912).
After the discovery of this new approach to the making of instruments, his project concept moved progressively towards the new Spanish guitar model.
Hauser began to make instruments in an era of dramatic and fast changes for the guitar: famous guitar players started to be included in the program of great theatres and as a soloist with orchestra and they required a new instrument, louder and with moreacoustical and cosmetic details.
We can infer that Hauser’s guitar project focused on saving the original Spanish concept and, at the same time, on bringing it into the modern era with the help of Segovia’s suggestion.
This concept is perfectly summarised by this quote from Segovia about Hauser guitars: “the perfect instrument that saves the Spanish sound”.
The Spanish guitar models made by Hauser were two :
Inspired by Torres of Llobet
Inspired by Manuel /Santos of Segovia
It’s crucial to notice that the most renowned guitar performers after Segovia used Hauser guitars from Julian Bream, till today.
We will expo an incredible selection of original guitars to celebrate the Hauser tradition.
Guitar list from the Raccosta Collection
Guitars from the first period (pre Spanish influence):
1908 Münich Model (short scale)
1914 Vienna Model
Guitars from makers which influenced Hauser pushing him towards the Spanish sound:
1860 FE13 Antonio de Torres (ex Llobet, ex Hermann Hauser)
1912 Manuel Ramirez (ex WulfinLieske)
Guitars from the second period (post Spanish influence):
1938 Hermann Hauser (ex Andrés Segovia).
– 1st Meeting “The Guitar in Italy between ‘800 and ‘900” the Italian instrument in the European development contest, ideated and coordinated by Lorenzo Frignani andFrancesco Taranto
Speakers: Angelo Gilardino, Lorenzo Frignani, Mario Grimaldi, Giovanni Intellisano, Francesco Taranto
with interventions by Giacomo Parimbelli, Roberto Vallini, Mimmo Peruffo, Amenio Raponi, Filippo Michelangeli, Rosalba De Bonis, Senio Diaz, Simona Boni
Friday September 28th
from 10am to 7pm
demo-showcases available to the exhibitors. Performers: Dario Fornara, I Quattro, Giuseppe Tropeano, Piero Posani, Finaz, Antonello Fiamma, Dave Goodman (Uk), Camilla Conti, Alessandro Formenti, Cristian Marin, Clive Carroll (Uk), Zarek Silberschimdt, Gavino Loche, Roberto Bettelli, Massimo Varini, Osvaldo Di Dio, Carmelo Tartamella, Pietro Nobile, John Jorgenson (Usa), Alberto Lombardi, Marco Manusso, Roberto Fabbri, Carlo Aonzo Trio, Rita Zingariello, Giorgio Secco, Francesco Forni and many more
from 3pm to 7pm:
contest for emerging acoustic guitarists, singer-songwriters with guitar, acoustic ensembles/bands;
Elisa Casentini “Tami”, Federico Orlando, Leonardo Buonaterra, Davide Andreozzi , Simone Dani, Luca Barbi, Giorgio Sciascia, Marco Crepaldi, “Corde Celtiche”, “Cherry in the mud”
selections curated by – Armadillo Club
products offered by Aramini, Taylor Guitars, Acus-sound
from 10am to 7pm
concerts-showcases available to the master luthiers
– Masterclass-Seminar “The music of Castelnuovo-Tedesco” curated by Andrea Dieci
– Seminar “Technique, Practice and Repertoire of Guitar in the 19th Century” held by M° Francesco Taranto
Saturday September 29th
from 10am to 7pm
demo-showcases available to the exhibitors. Performers: Dario Fornara, I Quattro, Giuseppe Tropeano, Piero Posani, Finaz, Antonello Fiamma, Dave Goodman (Uk), Camilla Conti, Alessandro Formenti, Cristian Marin, Clive Carroll (Uk), Zarek Silberschimdt, Gavino Loche, Roberto Bettelli, Massimo Varini, Osvaldo Di Dio, Carmelo Tartamella, Pietro Nobile, John Jorgenson (Usa), Alberto Lombardi, Marco Manusso, Roberto Fabbri, Carlo Aonzo Trio, Rita Zingariello, Giorgio Secco, Francesco Forni and many more
from 10am to 7pm
concerts, showcases, meetings, workshops by bluegrass musicians
Performers: MARC & REMY DALMASSO CLASSIC BANJO (Marc Dalmasso, Remy Dalmasso), LOVESICK DUO (Paolo Pianezza, Francesca Alinovi), Danilo Cartia-Guglielmo Palombella-Leonardo Di Giacomo, COLD CASE (Nirvano Barbon, Corrado D’angelo, Massimiliano Ghirardelli, Andrea Vitiello), OUTCAST (Dario Lantero
Samuel Domeneghini), HIGHWAY12 (laria Olcese, Valentina Rosasco, Pierluigi Carbone, Daniele Carbone) BLA BLA SISTERS (Miriam Castorina, Francesca Minutiello, Marta Sampaolo, Claudio Midiri, Alessandro Garramone, Paolo de Troia, Matteo Sampaolo), THE TROUBADOURS (Fabio Peretti, Alessandro Perrone), PINO E GLI ERRANTI (Pino Campanelli, Gualtiero Stolfini, Roberta Bazzani, Sergio Minelli, Federico Crippa), Maura Tomei, FOGGY FIELDS RANGERS (Paolo Cappa, Piero Carbonera, Samuel Flora, Davide Casera, Federico Pavan, Stefano Protti), SPAGHETTI GRASS (Fabio Ragghianti, Livio Guardi, Manolo Cacciatori, Francesco Nicotera), Giada Masoni, ANDREA CESONE & THE COUNTRY CHICKENS BLUEGRASS BAND
(Andrea Cesone, Eugenio Poppi , Massimo Cavazzuti, Paolo Cattani , Stefano Tassi , Carlo Bergamini), BLUEGRASS TRUCKERS (Pino Siviero, Antonio Esposito, Elio Arlandi), SAN BRULLI STRINGBAND (Riccardo Biondi, Samuel Flora, Luca Minzon, Andrea Laudicina), FRANCOIS VOLA TRIO (Francois Vola, Bernard Minier, Lauren Paris), Pino Ninni, Jacek Loroch, Francesco Arzeni, Fabio Mosetti, Marco Pandolfi, OLDBORN BROTHERS (Emilio Vellati, Gabriele Bazza ,Martino Giordano), DANILO CARTIA BAND (John Jorgenson, Danilo Cartia, Stefano Santangelo, Leonardo di Giacomo, Francesca Alinovi)
coordinated by Danilo Cartia, with thepartecipation of guitar and mandolin player John Jorgenson
partners: Deering Banjo Company, Martin Guitars
The musicians coming from the farthest away will win a new Deering 6 nylon strings Banjo and a Martin Ukulele!!!
Thank you very much to the Deering Banjo Company and to the Martin Guitars!
from 10am to 7pm
concerts-showcases available to the master luthiers
– Convention “The Guitar in Italy between 19th and 20th century” curated by M. Lorenzo Frignani and Francesco Taranto
– Seminar “Technique, Practice and Repertoire of Guitar in the 19th century” held by M° Francesco Taranto
Sunday September 30th
from 10am to 6pm
demo-showcases available to the exhibitors. Performers: Dario Fornara, I Quattro, Giuseppe Tropeano, Piero Posani, Finaz, Antonello Fiamma, Dave Goodman (Uk), Camilla Conti, Alessandro Formenti, Cristian Marin, Clive Carroll (Uk), Zarek Silberschimdt, Gavino Loche, Roberto Bettelli, Massimo Varini, Osvaldo Di Dio, Carmelo Tartamella, Pietro Nobile, John Jorgenson (Usa), Alberto Lombardi, Marco Manusso, Roberto Fabbri, Carlo Aonzo Trio, Rita Zingariello, Giorgio Secco, Francesco Forni and many more
from 10am to 6pm
“STRINGS AND VOICES D’AUTORE” performances by songwriters and guitarists, solo and in ensembles
in memory of Stefano Rosso, 10 years after his passing
Performers: Marco Pandolfi, Luigi “Grechi” De Gregori, Andrea Tarquini Trio, Andrea Rivera, Mirkoeilcane
Opening of the day by emerging songwriters. Performers: Stefano Marelli, Emanuela Pellegatta, Carlo Valente, Chiara Ragnini, Veronica Marchi, Chiara Effe. Special Guests: Teresa Plantamura, Lorenzo Marianelli
coordinated by Andrea Tarquini e Francesco Lucarelli
partner: Taylor Guitars – Elite Acoustics Amplifier
The best emerging artist will receive a Taylor guitar 110e and an Elite Acoustics Amp A1-4
from 10am to 6pm
concerts-showcases available to the master luthiers
– Hauser sound experience – executions on original instruments, curated by Aliosha De Santis in collaboration with Hermann Hauser
– Presentation of the Cremona Music Award to Hermann Hauser
– Seminar “Technique, Practice and Repertoire of Guitar in the 19th century” held by M° Francesco Taranto
Masterclass of lutherie for acoustic guitar
Friday 28th, Saturday 29th, Sunday 30th September 2018
Masterclass room 1 of the Cremona Fair offices
Translation and assistance by M° Max Monterosso and M° Piero Guagliumi
Cost of 230,00 euros
Program of the masterclass:
Bryan Galloup is an American luthier with more than 35 years of experience under his belt. Michigan based, he has always had the mission of building instruments of excellent quality, with the perfect look and tone for the professional musician. He has always perfectly mixed traditional building with new technologies, and his guitars are proof of his research towards excellence and attention to the smallest details. Each guitar he has build shows his deep knowledge of this instrument and of its evolution.
His School of Lutherie is recognized worldwide and considered by many experts a perfect training in the education of future professional luthiers. Bryan is also one of the most expert luthiers regarding the restoration of vintage instruments, a point of reference for collectors all over the world.
1st day, Friday 28th September, from 10am to 1pm:
Fretting; demo/hands on/lecture
From material selection to final buff, fret work is the single most important topics that affect every guitar’s playability and every player’s performance. In this class we will move through every aspect of fretting, re-fretting and related issues.
Topics covered are:
– Instrument evaluation
– Identifying fret related issues
– Choosing fret wire
– Fret removal
– Leveling fretboards
– Fret slot preparation
– Cleaning fret slots
– Routing fret slots
– Prepping fret wire
– Gluing frets
– Hammering in frets
– Pressing in frets
– Fret dressing
– Fret re-dressing
– Addressing loose fret ends
– Leveling frets
– Polishing frets
2nd day, Saturday 29th September, from 10am to 1pm:
Acoustic Structural Repair and the Vintage Guitar; demo/slide show
Identifying repair issues to be performed, while retaining the integrity of the instrument, is the key when deciding your approach in maintaining sound acoustic performance. Too often, unwarranted procedures, that shorten the life of the instrument and kill tone, are performed when other more conservative paths are the better choice. In the class, we will discuss how to identify and separate what are normal structural stresses from abnormal structural issues that will lead to a system failure.
Topics covered are:
– How does the acoustic guitar work
– Identify excessive load
– Loaded tops and backs
– Evaluating the guitar
– What to look for
– What to look out for
– What is expected to be normal
– Excessive repairs
– Sound structural maintenance
– How repairs can affect the tone
– How repairs affect the vintage value
– What repairs in the past have held up over time
– What are the bottom line topics
3rd day, Sunday 30th September, from 10am to 1pm:
Humidity and Related Issues; lecture/demonstration/slide show
Excessive humidity or the lack there of, is the single most important issue that will cause irreversible damage to any acoustic instrument. It is also the single most overlooked topic technicians, makers, and players neglect to monitor to ensure sound acoustic guitar performance. In the class, we will discuss the most common humidity issues related to the guitar.
Topics covered are:
– What are humidity related issues
– What are average humidity ranges
– What is the ideal humidity range for a shop or store
– Using a sling psychrometer
– Psychrometer vs. digital meters
– How to identify humidity issues
– How to separate humidity issues from structural issues
– What humidity issues can be reversed
– How humidity effects tone
– The life of the instrument
– What to be concerned about and
– What is too be expected
– Acoustic guitar cracks
– What are the most common type of cracks and
– How to identify their cause
– How to determine the best repair approach and
– What will yield the best results
Charles Fox has been active in the development of modern American lutherie for 50 years and he enjoys an international reputation as an artisan, designer, consultant and educator. His original design concepts, building techniques and production tools, such as the Universal Side Bender, are widely used by guitar builders and factories all over the world. Charles has been referred to as the dean of educators in the field of guitar making, having founded the first school for guitar makers in North America in 1973 and since then introduced generations of folks to the craft, including many of today’s successful luthiers. Today Charles builds guitars and teaches small classes in his Portland, Oregon workshop, imagining that he’s retired, for at least twelve hours a day.
Lutherie Tooling for the Small Shop
There are many ways to practice the craft of lutherie. Thanks to globalism, post-modernism and the internet information explosion, our freedom to go about creating instruments in any way we prefer is a unique to guitar making at this moment in history. Somewhere between either making guitars one at a time with hand tools or using computerized machines to produce a steady stream of product, there’s an approach to guitar making that’s just right for each of us – an approach that maximizes both the quantity and the quality of our work while also providing satisfaction and inspiring our personal growth.
Just as there are many ways to practice this craft once we’ve got it up and running, there are also many ‘keys’, or means that we can use to unlock the door and enter into the craft. Guitar making is a richly multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary craft – it is so comprehensive that every individual can enter into it through his/her own particular personal strength.
My own approach to guitar making involves the liberal use of jigs & fixtures and other shop-made devices that enhance the accuracy and consistency of my work. Working this way is a natural expression of my structured approach to understanding things. One product of my working in this systematic way is the Universal Side Bender, used by guitar makers and factories all around the world.
This master class, Lutherie Tooling for the Small Shop, will introduce participants to many versatile tools that they can adapt to their own uses, and ways of creating new tools to satisfy their own requirements in their own workshops. For three hours each afternoon for three days we’ll explore the subject of lutherie tooling from the perspectives of design, execution, and use.
1st day, Friday 28th September, from 2:30pm to 5:30pm:
Topics covered are:
– Principles of controlled guidance and subtractive forming
– Fixtures as extensions of standard woodworking tools
– How to analyze a task and design tools to optimize the intended results
– Basic materials and components for shop-made tooling
– Designing tools with 3D modeling software
– Efficient methods for constructing and refining shop tools
– Simple lutherie tools for guiding, shaping, sizing and locating.
– Jigs & fixtures for the table saw, drill press, belt and disk sander,
shaper and table router.
2nd day, Saturday 29th September, from 2:30pm to 5:30pm:
Topics covered are:
– Creating universal shop tooling
– Vacuum devises for clamping and work holding
– Creating more specific, complex tooling
– A complete tooling system for creating solid body electric guitars
– Making tools for making more tools
3rd day, Sunday 30th September, from 2:30pm to 5:30pm:
Topics covered are:
This afternoon is focused on creating lutherie tools for research, analysis and the voicing of acoustic guitars.
We’ll demonstrate an integrated tooling system for analyzing materials, and for measuring and controlling the acoustic behaviors of both guitar plates and complete assemblies.
Masterclass of didactic techniques for acoustic guitar
Friday 28th, Saturday 29th, Sunday 30th September 2018
Masterclass room 2 of the Cremona Fair offices
Translation and assistance by Camilla Conti
Cost of 230 euros
Program of the masterclass:
Michelangelo “Micki” Piperno is an acoustic guitar teacher, an internationally known performer and a composer of contemporary music. With his steel string guitar, he combines the sound and knowledge of the American guitar tradition with echoes of classical and Mediterranean guitar, at the service of song and melody, that he deems essential to communicate the world of acoustic guitar.
He has worked as a composer for cinema, television and theatre, also writing didactic articles for specialized magazines Chitarre and Axe. He has published for Sinfonica Jazz the manuals Manuale di chitarra moderna and Suonare la Teoria – voll.1 & 2, Corso Completo di Chitarra Acustica, Lezioni di chitarra Acustica e Classica Fingerstyle Vol. 1, and for the books of original compositions for acoustic guitar Original Composition and Freestyle.
1st day, Friday 28th September, from 10am to 1pm:
- Basics of modern Harmony
- Techniques of Fingerstyle arrangement
- Basic and advanced techniques for the right hand
- Harmonizing a theme
- Embellishment phrasings to enhance your arrangement
- Alternate Bass, different formulas and possible applications
- Correct posture and respiration while practicing and performing
- Amplifying the acoustic guitar
2nd day, Saturday 29th September, from 10am to 1pm:
- Study of a piece from the American tradition
- Analysis and collective study of the song that will be performed on the last day of the Masterclass
- Other elements of embellishment and improvisation: Harp Style and Bluegrass licks
- Advanced techniques of Alternate Bass
- Steady Bass
- Classical guitar techniques on the acoustic guitar: tocco volante, appoggiato and different types of vibrato
3rd day, Sunday 30th September, from 10am to 1pm:
- Harmonics
- The Walking Line Bass
- Study of a piece from the fingerstyle Blues tradition
- Introduction to the Chord Melody
- Performance by the students
Once your registration is submitted, all the study material needed to attend the course will be available to be downloaded from the website
Clive Carroll was raised in a family with deep bluegrass and Irish musical roots. It’s the encounter with John Renbourn in 1998 that spurred this precocious and brilliant acoustic guitarist to publish his first solo album, “Sixth Sense”, defined by british critics as a milestone in the journey of acoustic guitar. From that moment his career has been a constant ascent in the international guitar world; he is today one of the most sought-after guitar performers in the world and his fame is destined to keep growing, as predicted by artists such as Tommy Emmanuel and John Renbourn, who shared with him several tours and festivals. The musical variety of his compositions is remarkable, combined with immaculate, complete and stylistically varied technique, expressed with amazing effortlessness.
2 great pieces and useful techniques for solo guitar
1st day, Friday 28th September, from 2pm to 4:30pm:
Clive will be teaching the classic Beatles song “And I Love Her” which incorporates the use of familiar chord shapes and melody played simultaneously. Clive will also teach and demonstrate how to improvise over the chord sequence so that you can turn this beautiful tune into a full arrangement for solo guitar.
Sheet music and TAB will be provided.
2nd day, Saturday 29th September, from 2pm to 4:30pm:
“Elizabeth Kelly’s Delight”
Clive will be teaching this well known Irish traditional melody in DADGAD guitar tuning. It is a very infectious tune which will have your foot tapping for weeks! Sheet music/TAB will be provided on the day, and it is only one page long! Once the group has learnt the melody, Clive will then show you how to add bass drones, how to create rhythmic grooves, and how to harmonise and re-harmonise the chord sequence!
You are going to gain maximum benefit from the Cremona Masterclass if you can already play the standard chords in first position, a few barre chords, and you can play a few solo guitar pieces.

Grammy-winning guitarist John Jorgenson is known as the “US Ambassador of Gypsy Jazz” and is internationally acclaimed as a virtuoso guitarist as well as a multi-instrumentalist who has played for artists as diverse as Luciano Pavarottiand Bob Dylan. Over the course of his 40 year career he has been a founding member of the multiple chart topping country group the Desert Rose Band, award winning guitar trio the Hellecasters, toured for 6 years with Elton John, and performed on television and recordings with Roy Orbison, Bonnie Raitt, Bob Seeger, Johnny Cash, Tom Petty, Earl Scruggs and countless other world class artists.
1st day, Friday 28th September, from 4:30pm to 6:30pm:
“Introduction to Gypsy Jazz”
Aimed at players who already have some skill on the guitar but are relatively new to Gypsy Jazz, the workshop will cover basic techniques in rhythm and lead playing including chord shapes, picking, tone, phrasing, equipment and foundations of music theory. This specific workshop will be tailored to the needs and skill levels of the attendees, with each participant receiving individual attention as well as class time.
3rd day, Sunday 30th September, from 2pm to 4:30pm:
“Improving Improvisation”
In this second part the masterclass will cover how to expand the ability to improvise solos. Included in the class will be theory, musical phrase development, and how to add dynamics and emotion to solos, as well as how to keep an audience engaged.