Work in progress for the next edition of the Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, 26-27-28 September 2025

Work in progress for the next edition of the Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, 26-27-28 September 2025

Dear friends,We hope this newsletter finds you healthy and fully working in your laboratories!

We have collected many positive comments for the evident growth of the Acoustic Guitar Village and in general of the entire Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival: 20,110 operators and musicians from 74 countries, these are the official numbers of the last 2024 edition, and everyone passed and visited the AGV in pavilion 1!

Numerous interviews with operators and luthiers in the sector and a continuous and constant presence on social pages and …

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The Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica has closed its doors, with the confirmation of an ever-constant success and growth, confirmed by the enthusiasm of industry players and passionate visitors. See you in September 2025!

The Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica has closed its doors, with the confirmation of an ever-constant success and growth, confirmed by the enthusiasm of industry players and passionate visitors. See you in September 2025!

Dear friends

we are still working on the final closing details of the event, with the awareness and joy of the success of Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival: the data on admissions and attendance are being processed, but from the first findings there is talk of a growth in 20-30%!! This is truly a strong increase compared to the 2023 edition! Cremona Musica confirms itself once again as the most important event dedicated to quality music and musical instruments in Italy and leader in Europe.

The …

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Everything is ready for the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica 2024, 27-28-29 September between the Fair and the historic center of the City! Live program, presentations, conferences, exhibitors, links for entrance tickets, etc. have been published. Promotion continues, with interviews, press releases, interventions on the web and social media

Everything is ready for the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica 2024, 27-28-29 September between the Fair and the historic center of the City! Live program, presentations, conferences, exhibitors, links for entrance tickets, etc. have been published. Promotion continues, with interviews, press releases, interventions on the web and social media

Many national and international guests are expected, these are the links for the program of events on the live stages and the various meetings, presentations, in-depth conferences, historical exhibitions:AGV2024 programconference-workshop-event programlist of AGV exhibitorsThis is the link for entrance tickets to the FairThe evening concerts on Friday 27th at the Auditorium of the Violin Museum and on Saturday 28th at the Federico II Courtyard in front of the Cathedral of Cremona have free admissionStill very few places left to participate in the lutherie masterclass held …

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Concerts in the splendid Auditorium of the Violin Museum and in the Federico II Courtyard in front of Piazza Duomo, luthiers and companies of acoustic, classical and modern guitars, and other plectrum and plucked instruments, prestigious guests arriving, this is the Acoustic Guitar Village at Cremona Musica 2024, between the Fair and the historic center of Cremona! And then the novelty of the Electric Sound Village for fans of electric lutherie, vintage and rock memorabilia….

Concerts in the splendid Auditorium of the Violin Museum and in the Federico II Courtyard in front of Piazza Duomo, luthiers and companies of acoustic, classical and modern guitars, and other plectrum and plucked instruments, prestigious guests arriving, this is the Acoustic Guitar Village at Cremona Musica 2024, between the Fair and the historic center of Cremona! And then the novelty of the Electric Sound Village for fans of electric lutherie, vintage and rock memorabilia….

We are approaching the next edition of the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, 27-28-29 September at the Cremona Fair and in the City.It therefore promises to be one of the richest editions of the AGV ever, with the presence of master luthiers, guitar companies and the countless events that will attract musicians, visitors and international buyers. The role of Cremona Musica, after the cancellation of the Musikmesse in Frankfurt, is increasingly projected towards leadership as a European exhibition of musical …

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The fantastic bluegrass trio The Kruger Brothers, the acrobatic American acoustic guitarist Preston Reed, the classical guitarist Pedro Jesus Gomez and many other events at the Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Musica 2024, as well as a large area of International guitar companies and master luthiers!

The fantastic bluegrass trio The Kruger Brothers, the acrobatic American acoustic guitarist Preston Reed, the classical guitarist Pedro Jesus Gomez and many other events at the Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Musica 2024, as well as a large area of International guitar companies and master luthiers!

The program of the next edition of the AGV inside Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, 27-28-29 September, continues to expand and the events and registrations of national and international luthiers and guitar companies are intensifying. Everything points to a great 2024 edition of the event, now an unmissable European annual event for manufacturers of acoustic guitars, classic and modern, and other plectrum and plucked instruments, for the satisfaction and pleasure of many enthusiasts who come to try the various instruments on display and participate …

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The Acoustic Guitar Village at Cremona Musica has ended, confirming its success and constant growth, to the satisfaction and enthusiasm of exhibitors, artists and passionate visitors. See you on 27-28-29 September 2024!

The Acoustic Guitar Village at Cremona Musica has ended, confirming its success and constant growth, to the satisfaction and enthusiasm of exhibitors, artists and passionate visitors. See you on 27-28-29 September 2024!

Dear friends it took a few days to recover from the great effort and joy of the success of Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival: over 20,000 visitors, with a strong increase compared to the 2022 edition, and then 364 exhibitors from 35 countries, more than 180 events in 3 days at the fair and in the city, over 100 international buyers from 28 countries and more than 300 artists and personalities involved in concerts, masterclasses and presentations! Cremona Musica confirms itself once again as …

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The Acoustic Guitar Village at Cremona Musica 2023 is starting between the Fair and the historic center of Cremona! The entire program of events has been published, we are waiting for the arrival of luthiers and best international guitar companies

The Acoustic Guitar Village at Cremona Musica 2023 is starting between the Fair and the historic center of Cremona! The entire program of events has been published, we are waiting for the arrival of luthiers and best international guitar companies

Two weeks until the start of the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, next Friday 22nd – Saturday 23rd – Sunday 24th September, from 10am to 6pm.

Expected exhibitors and manufacturers of the best acoustic guitars in production as well as other plectrum and plucked instruments, with a large presence of mandolins, ukuleles and charangos.Appointment for dealers, shopkeepers, buyers, musicians, industry workers and passionate visitors at the Cremona Fair in pavilion 1, where the Acoustic Guitar Village area is located, with stands …

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Concerts in the beautiful Auditorium of the Violin Museum and in the Federico II Courtyard facing Piazza Duomo, David Crosby Memorial, luthiers and companies of acoustic, classical and modern guitars, and other plectrum and plucked instruments, prestigious guests arriving, this is the Acoustic Guitar Village at Cremona Musica 2023, between the Fair and the historic center of Cremona!

Concerts in the beautiful Auditorium of the Violin Museum and in the Federico II Courtyard facing Piazza Duomo, David Crosby Memorial, luthiers and companies of acoustic, classical and modern guitars, and other plectrum and plucked instruments, prestigious guests arriving, this is the Acoustic Guitar Village at Cremona Musica 2023, between the Fair and the historic center of Cremona!

We are approaching the next edition of the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, 22-23-24 September at the Cremona Fair and in the city.In addition to the registrations for the exhibition area by various national and international companies and luthiers, with the return of historic brands after the pandemic period, the program continues to grow, with many guests who will perform on the various stages outside and inside the pavilions and in the historic center of Cremona, with the two great …

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The program of the Acoustic Guitar Village inside Cremona Musica 2023 becomes increasingly rich and with prestigious international guests. Appointment for all on 22-23-24 September!

The program of the Acoustic Guitar Village inside Cremona Musica 2023 becomes increasingly rich and with prestigious international guests. Appointment for all on 22-23-24 September!

The programming work continues for the next edition of the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, 22-23-24 September at the Cremona Fair. In addition to the registrations for the exhibition area by various national and international companies and luthiers, with the return of historic brands after the pandemic period, the program of events and guests continues to grow, who will perform on the various stages outside and inside the pavilions and in the historic center of Cremona, with the two great …

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The Acoustic Guitar Village within Cremona Musica 2023 presents the program of in-depth masterclasses and many other events that are always updated! Happy Easter everyone!

The Acoustic Guitar Village within Cremona Musica 2023 presents the program of in-depth masterclasses and many other events that are always updated! Happy Easter everyone!

LUTHERIE MASTERCLASSFriday 22nd, Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th September at the AGV do not miss the masterclasses held by Master Luthiers LEO BUENDIA (Argentina) and TREVOR GORE (Australia)

“The modern guitar: design and aesthetics” the program of master luthier Leo Buendia“How to Control the Sound of a Guitar and Vibration of Strings and Tops” by master luthier Trevor Gore, author of the acclaimed and groundbreaking book “Contemporary Acoustic Guitar Design and Build”For more information, detailed programs and registration forms, consult our website:



Sunday 24th …

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Work in progress for the next edition of the Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, 22-23-24 September 2023!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Work in progress for the next edition of the Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, 22-23-24 September 2023!

Dear friends,

all the best for Happy Holidays, with the hope that your activities are in a strong recovery and you can spend a peaceful holiday period, ready for a successful 2023!We are already at work organizing the Acoustic Guitar Village 2023 program in Cremona Musica, 22-23-24 September.In the next communication we will give the first previews of international events and guests.Important innovations are also planned in the communication and promotion of the event, both for the digital part (website, social networks, newsletter, digital showcase, graphics, …

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The Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica begins, September 23-25, we are waiting for you!

The Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica begins, September 23-25, we are waiting for you!

Dear friends,

a few days before the start of the Acoustic Guitar Village, inside Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival, 23-25 ​​September at the Cremona Fair. More and more actors and protagonists among luthiers, guitar companies, speakers and experts in the sector and many many musicians present, 300 passes for events printed between musicians and speakers!

The entire Cremona Musica event is today the world’s leading trade fair for high-end craftsmanship musical instruments and the only sector fair in Europe: 300 exhibitors from 30 countries – 48% …

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Last places for the lutherie masterclass – Many live events at the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica, next September 23-25!

Last places for the lutherie masterclass – Many live events at the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica, next September 23-25!

Dear friends,the organization of the many activities that will take place at the Acoustic Guitar Village within Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival continues, from 23 to 25 September at the Cremona Fair. More and more and with many illustrious guests! Last places to be able to subscribe toLUTHERY MASTERCLASS FOR ACOUSTIC GUITAR, ARCH-TOP and BATTENTE teachers luthiers Claudio & Claudia Pagelli, John Monteleone (US), Rosalba De Bonis. John Monteleone will be awarded the Cremona Musica Award 2022 for his beautiful work in guitar lutherie. …

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All the updates about the program of the Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Musica, 23-25 September!

All the updates about the program of the Acoustic Guitar Village, Cremona Musica, 23-25 September!

Venerdì 23 – Sabato 24 – Domenica 25, nelle sale Masterclass: MASTERCLASS DI LIUTERIA PER CHITARRA ACUSTICA, ARCH-TOP e BATTENTE docenti i maestri liutai  Claudio & Claudia Pagelli – John Monteleone – Rosalba De Bonis. John Monteleone verrà premiato con il Cremona Musica Award 2022 per la liuteria per chitarra. MASTERCLASS DI DIDATTICA PER CHITARRA ACUSTICA E CHITARRA BATTENTE, docenti i maestri Micki Piperno e Francesco Loccisano. MASTERCLASS DI DIDATTICA …

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The Acoustic Guitar Village inside Cremona Musica presents the Masterclasses program and many other events always updated!

The Acoustic Guitar Village inside Cremona Musica presents the Masterclasses program and many other events always updated!

MASTERCLASS OF LUTHERIE FOR ACOUSTIC GUITARFriday 23th, Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th, September 2022 at AGV do not miss the masterclasses held by the master luthiers Claudio and Claudia Pagelli (CH), John Monteleone (USA) and Rosalba De Bonis (ITA)!➡ Theory and practice in the making of custom instruments and prototypes, building guitars with an open mind, 45 years of luthier experiences for guitar by Pagelli luthiers.➡ Archtop guitars: past, present and future, the luthier wears many hats, John Monteleone’s style of construction.➡ The ancient construction …

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