150 accredited musicians and more than 20 speakers, many events, from lutherie masterclasses and the competition for emerging artists, to the 8th edition of the Italian Bluegrass Meeting, to Corde & Voci d’Autore, to the extraordinary Cremona Mandolini in Mostra, with the historical exhibition, cultural conferences, lutherie, didactic workshops and ensembles from all over Italy. These are some of the numbers of the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica. We wait for you from 24th to 26th September!

Dear friends,crowning an organizational work that has never stopped despite the difficulties, and thanks to the presence of an extraordinary number of musicians, speakers and industry professionals, the next edition of the Acoustic Guitar Village in Cremona Musica promises to be one of the the richest events ever organized in terms of entertainment and cultural events.To date, we count at least 150 musicians who will alternate on the three daily live stages of the event and on the afternoon-evening ones in the historic center of …
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